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May 31, 2007


david wilson

Don't conservatives drive BMW's????

Since you hate liberals, why do you want the beemers to leave?

What are you trying to say?

Frank Rumbauskas

Actually, no, conservatives drive Mercedes. Liberals drive BMWs when it comes to German cars.

You may think I'm making this up but it's no joke. I read an article in Forbes profiling the demographics of various luxury cars.

BMW: "Affluent liberals."
Mercedes: "Affluent conservatives."

'Nuff said.


After careful observation, I have come to the conclusion that Scottsdale residents are neither liberal or conservative - they are "metropolitical" - (kind of like a bisexual) - they go whichever way is easiest and most self-absorbing and above all, currently capturing their limited attention span and immediate gratification. That's why you see such ridiculous crap here like vegetarian menu choices at steak houses or greenpeace stickers on H2s - they have no direction - just a follow the leader mentality - if four or five of these spiky hair, middle aged faggots started showing up at the club in '79 Ford Pintos, suddenly Ford Pintos would be bringing $100k at Barrett- Jackson ( well, that is while they could still get an equity loan for it)

By the way, that Forbes survey is right on track - I live in Central Phoenix - all the MB's seem to have normal, sane owners - The very few BMWs all have stupid stickers touting their leasee's current lifestyle choices and race around the neighborhood like kids on skateboards. The funniest one is a guy in red M3 - about 40 years old - cruises the AJs at 7th at and t/bird like he thinks he still lives in the apartments on Thompson Peak - you cant miss him - he wears these gay-ass Paris Hilton giant sunglasses - he should trade them for a forehead decal that says "TOOL"...

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