You've come to some wild conclusions on your embarrassment of a website. What I want to know is this:
Why are you hiding your identity?
I looked up your domain and it's under a private registration. I don't hide who I am on this site. In fact I want people to know who I am, because seeing a successful person criticize Scottsdale defeats the usual argument that the only people who dislike Scottsdale are "jealous" that they can't afford to live there. The only reason you'd hide your identity is because you know your argument is a lie and has no basis in reality.
By the way, in case you haven't noticed, most people AGREE with me! Therefore I don't think I'm some wacko who has personal issues resulting in a hatred of Scottsdale. Most normal people who've lived there will agree that it's the rudest, phoniest, and most pretentious place in the United States. The only people who seem to disagree with that statement are the phonies themselves, and I'm willing to bet that you're one of them. Either that, or one of those failures in life who now sits on a Scottsdale HOA board and fines people for thinking for themselves because it's the only power you'll ever have in this lifetime.
Since you don't have the balls to come out and say who you are, I decided to refute your defective arguments here:
The site clearly shows a person who places a premium on his/her own status
No, I do not place a premium on my own status. In fact, I'm coming out against 99% of Scottsdale residents who have an unhealthy obsession with status, so much so that they're willing to destroy their financial well-being to get it. Just look at the current mortgage debacle for proof.
The site clearly shows a person who bases their arguments on emotions and not reason
These arguments are based on cold hard facts, learned after 7 years of living in that cesspool.
The site clearly shows a person who is unhappy and is made to feel better by spewing venomous hatred for no other apparent reason that spite
I'm one of the nicest and most polite people you will meet. The venemous hatred is being spewed forth by Scottsdale residents who have no manners and who get a sick thrill out of being rude and mean to anyone and everyone they encounter in daily life.
The site itself is a contradiction to its premise
How? The site is called "Scottsdale Sucks" and I tell why Scottsdale sucks. Is your IQ in the single digits? Come on.
Hasty generalization is a fallacy
This is not generalization. This is based on 7 years of experience of living right in the belly of the beast and knowing first-hand what the people in Scottsdale are really like.
I see pretension and prejudice in those who have the need to insult others without any real knowlege of those people
You sir are correct, and you've just described the vast majority of Scottsdale residents! Thank you for making my point for me!
Edit - thanks to war_shu_duck for this one - it really sums things up about the attitude:
Alright I waited a few days just in case was getting so much traffic that a glitch was occurring. Hardy har har!!! It appears thats not the case and what I am seeing is all there is to it. This site is a prime example of the poor quality, half assed, lazy, and uncreative people who live in this city and state and the lousy work they do.
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