California's request for tougher emissions standards on cars, in response to the "global warming" sham, has been denied by the EPA.
I only post this here because your governor Napolitano has jumped on Schwarzenegger's bandwagon and wants the same anti-greenhouse standards implemented for Arizona.
My point? I'm tired of hearing Arizonans tell me they live in a "red state."
Sorry, but it just ain't true anymore.
Arizona and California government are the same. Accept it and get over it. Arizona lost "red state" status and it ain't coming back. That was part of why I moved - if I have to deal with that s*it either way, I'd rather live in a state that offers a much higher quality of life.
The bluer, the better.
Posted by: Andrew | December 20, 2007 at 08:22 PM
Roughly a year ago I was in the Pacific Northwest for a week. I couldn't go anywhere without hearing about global warming. I went to several of my friends and family members homes and they all talked about global warming and had those annoying corkscrew light bulbs. It was the same with the tv,radio, and newspapers as well. Nothing but global warming the worlds coming to an end scare tactics. The entire week I was there the high was 42-44 and the low was 36-38(and raining). Does this sound like a drastic climate change for the Pacific Northwest in December? The people up there really believe that by buying these light bulbs they are going to somehow save the planet.
When I left 10 years ago those up there suffering from the disease of liberalism were trying to spread the idea we didn't have enough laws on the books to protect people. We needed special laws to protect those rare and exotic citizens known as homosexuals. Scottsdale has been involved in these very same issues within the last few months. Pro-gay groups have been pressuring the city of Scottsdale to create "Gay rights laws" as if the homosexuals of Arizona are not already protected under the same laws as the rest of the citizens.
Anyway my point here is all this liberal bs coming out of Seattle, Portland, and San Franciso is making its way down here. This is not a red state anymore unless by red you mean commie!!!lol
One final note. For those concerned about global warming why are you not asking people to breed less? If man is the problem why not get to the heart of the problem? Less people being born means fewer resourced being used, less waste, fewer cars on the road and less pollution right?
Posted by: war_shu_duck | December 20, 2007 at 08:45 PM
The little florescent screw-in bulbs amuse be because the radiation they emit has been directly linked to leukemia, and for that specific reason, several European countries have banned those bulbs.
Heads-up to any kids graduating high school soon: Take pre-med in college then go to med school to become an oncologist. If the libs succeed in mandating those bulbs, there will be a leukemia doctor on every corner.
Posted by: Frank Rumbauskas | December 20, 2007 at 09:18 PM
Frank if you will allow me I would like to take us all back in the way back machine to December 3, Scottsdale "such a classy town". Anyone reading considering moving to this city or state I would like to tell you what classy people we are here. We have a scandal going on currently where a guy with "Hot Rod" tattooed on his penis went to the Mayo clinic for some kind of treatment. This classy guys classy doctor while said "Hot Rod" was on the operating table took pictures of his penis to show his classy friends. Obviously without ole "Hot Rods" knowledge. A third real classy guy instead of taking this to his superiors leaked the tale and names of all the parties involved to the local media. You factor in some of the other currenty stories: Female gym teacher charged with child molestation after its found out she moved one of her students in with her she has been having sex with. Oh and then there is the girl who gave birth in a toilet then left the child in the toilet to die. Yeah this is a real classy bunch we have here in Arizona.
Posted by: war_shu_duck | December 21, 2007 at 01:38 PM
Man - the people who are global-warming deniers are crazier loons than the black helicopter crowd. For one thing, what is the hysteria among you "red-staters" about long-life lightbulbs. You'd think the way you carry on about losing your incandescent bulbs that they were fetuses or something. Newsflash - god didn't create incandescent bulbs - man did. If they are not suitable to our future needs, then we need to replace them, end of story. Just like buggy whips went the way of - well buggy whips - with everyone but the S&M crowd.
Oh, and Frank "black helicopter" Rumba: there is absolutely no study or even news story linking any type of lightbulb to any type of disease. If you have proof, link to your source instead of spouting lunatic conspiracy theories that you made up yourself.
Look, when your nice southern california lifestyle is underwater by the time you want to retire - and I don't mean financially, I mean literally underwater - those of us warning you today about the fact that we are destroying our planet and the planet is evenutally going to bite us back in the a-- will be looked on as forward-thinking as the people (myself included) who warned years ago about the coming housing crash. It's so weird that this has gotten mashed up in some sort of conservative/liberal divide. This isn't about ideology, it's about science, evidence and self-preservation. I would think even "red-staters" would understand self-preservation. Although from the looks of the brain power of the people they vote for sometimes I wonder.
And, hey, War - I do wish people would breed less. My best friend just had a third child and I basically told her that it was the dumbest and most selfish thing she could have done. Who needs three children in this day and age? Two are plenty - if you must have them. We aren't trying to populate the planet or grow farmhands anymore! Its just the ultimate vanity play - oh, my genes are so fabulous that I need to spread them around as much as humanly possible - makes me ill. So, yeah - I do say to breed less and I live by example. I don't have children and don't plan to unless I adopt.
So, maybe a bit more long-term vision and planning (and yes, educating ourselves about the evidence of what we are doing to our planet as opposed to being an uninformed ostrich) might do us all some good - conservative, liberal, hermit, luddite, whomever. You never know - we might even be able to make some money (as I am right now hand over fist) on the new technologies and industry that will be required to combat climate change.
Posted by: Better Blue than a Rube | December 21, 2007 at 04:34 PM
You have to be in total denial to believe that global warming is real.
Here's why global warming is being shoved down your throat: The "studies" that supposedly prove global warming are done by scientists who are paid six-figure salaries by, you guessed it, research grants.
The instant one of those scientists admits that global warming is a farce, he is suddenly unemployed. No more free six-figure salary and no more free research grants.
What they're doing is just as immoral and unethical as what mortgage brokers did during the housing boom.
Read the real SCIENTIFIC data on global warming and you will immediately see that there is not one shred of true, proven data to demonstrate that it's real. All of the scientifically gathered and quantified data and evidence shows that there is NO global warming "crisis."
Global warming is the latest in a series of scams the environmental scientists have pulled over on society to continue getting free money to pay their six-figure salaries:
- In the late 70s/early 80s, the environmentalists were on the "global cooling" craze. The next ice age was coming, they said, if we didn't ban this, that and the other thing. That proved to be a hoax, and is the best evidence yet that global warming is also a hoax.
- After that was the CFC and ozone layer hoax. They said CFCs put a big hole in the ozone layer, and if we didn't ban them, we'd soon be fried by solar rays.
Here's what happened: The U.S. banned CFCs. Total cost to our economy: $40 BILLION. No other country banned CFCs. In fact, CFC production and emissions are now greater worldwide they were in the 80s, before the US banned them. And guess what happened? The ozone layer healed on its own, just like the REAL scientists said it would, because it was due to solar cycles and NOT anything man-made.
In the end, the CFC fraud was nothing but a fraud committed to pay scientists' inflated salaries. And it cost us $40 billion and countless lost jobs.
Global warming is exactly the same.
If you actually believe global warming to be man-made, you are either:
1. Extremely stupid and gullible
2. One of the corrupt scumbag pieces of shit looters who are ca$hing in on it
Please tell me why your hero Al Gore wants us all to live in huts while he insists on riding in limos and flying on his own private jet (when he can easily fly commercial and save tens of thousands of gallons of fuel and pollution each year)?????
Wanna know why? Because he's a CON ARTIST. He's fooling and deceiving people like you and USING you and RAPING you to make hundreds of millions of dollars through his book, movie, and all the rest of his crap he's selling you. Hey, there's one born every minute, and Mr. Gore knows that. Ever heard the term "cult marketing?" I've read up on it, and it's exactly what Gore is using on you to pad his own wallet and buy more fuel-wasting jets and big mansions.
Of course, this will all fall on deaf ears, because liberals and America-haters will continue to use totally illogical arguments that cannot be defeated by logic, even when they know they're wrong.
Posted by: Frank Rumbauskas | December 21, 2007 at 05:12 PM