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December 16, 2007



Being female, my guess is that the women who'd marry for money are in some serious debt themselves and are looking for an easy way out.

One way to avoid these destructive relationships is to question the woman at the FIRST meeting about her investment strategy and fund choices as a harmless topic of conversation. (Expect her to get uncomfortable since most couples do not talk about money at all.)

If she doesn't have any, well, that would be your clue. Also: regular visits to getrichslowly or frugalduchess, my1stmillionat33, or any other blog for personal finance would be a plus indicator. Ask her if she's a Member in fool.com ($149+ per year) or any of the market/investment newsletters (usually $185+) would be another way to filter out gold-diggers of any stripe.

In other words, there are ways to protect yourself by asking the right questions ahead of time.

Marrying for money is very hard. From what I understand, the energy it takes to fake it is very draining and debilitating and can only be done for a short period of time before the temptation to give up enters in. Affairs usually follow next.



As I see it here is whats wrong with our culture in regards to marriage. As a man growing up in America I was taught to find the best looking woman I could attract. Little to nothing was said or taught to me about finding someone who had a good heart, was a loyal person, or who I was on the same page with for what I want out of this life. Looks alone is a formula for disaster and divorce. Just because you find someone attractive and they feel the same about you doesn't mean you can have a positive or productive future with them. A marriage license is a lot like a road map. If you dont know where your going your never going to get there. I find that most people get married because they think well if thats what the grown folks are doing we better do the same. For women marriage seems to be some childhood barbie doll inspired fantasy of theirs. To men its more of a guilt thing than anything else. The fact of the matter is men get poorer by jumping from marriage to marriage and women aquire wealth from the practice. As far as Scottsdale goes I would gather most marriages last 5 years or less. You go out and about in this city and I assure you running into 30 something women who have been married 2-3 times is not all that uncommon.


Common law marriage means that that half the money goes anyway. As Gene Simmons said, he should have just bought a house for each of his girlfriends, rather than letting them move in / married. Just buy her a house.

Same advice for rich uncles. When Nephew asks for a loan/investment in his business, just give him a Rolex for good luck in the business world.

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