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December 19, 2007


Joe Jacari

Nice post!

Really, the whole housing fiasco is symbolic of America's decay and mad rush, like the Gaderene swine, over a cliff to self-destruction.

I think the author of this site caught Scottsdale in the good old days, before the $30K millionaire fraudsters and gold-digging botox beautfies with fake, silicone racks took over.

And they thought the party would never end: the drinks would just keep flowing, the bosoms bouncing, and the housing ATM Kaching'ing! Well, about the only thing still bouncing in Scottsdale these days are personal checks.

Perhaps, mercifully, reality will exert itself and sanity will prevail once again in the Valley of the Sun.

Who knows, maybe even Frank R. will forgive Scottsdale of it's excesses and narcissism, notwithstanding the communist bureaucracy that's running the place like a Soviet Gulag...


I feel like big brother is watching me with all these speed cameras tied onto lamp posts.

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