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May 17, 2008



This was posted on washingtonpost.com and I wanted to pass it on here:


"For your consideration:

Most of you are aware that pro-illegal AZ Governor Napolitano took over 1 million dollars of funding away from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio this past week. Apparently numerous people from all over the U.S. phoned Joe to see if he would accept donations, and then a very popular local radio personality started the "Pennies For The Posse" fund-raiser for Sheriff Joe.

Sheriff Joe embodies what most of us believe in, when it comes to our country. I see this as an opportunity to show the illegals and the pro-illegal legislators how very strongly we feel about this issue.

Sheriff Joe, as you know, always gets a lot of air time, and shoots from the hip.

I'm a donor. I'm retired and on a fixed income, but I'll give Sheriff Joe $100 to keep making that very strong outspoken statement. I can't think of a better way to spend my money.

Name removed

Sheriff Arpaio accepting donations to fight illegal immigration

The sheriff made news when he set up an illegal immigration hot-line. Now he's set up another one to help fund his efforts to fight it. Earlier this week, the governor cut money more than $1 million from the sheriff's budget to fund a statewide task force to hunt fugitives.

Arpaio said residents and people from out of state called to donate their own money to fund his fight against illegal immigration. "We're receiving emails and calls from people that just were angry and just wanted to know how they can help."

He said donations can be made out to MCSO Donation Fund and must be earmarked for illegal immigration. Checks should be mailed to 100 West Washington, Ste. 1900, Phoenix, Ariz., 85003

KTAR-FM host Larry Gaydos hosted a radio-thon "Pennies for the Posse" on Wednesday night to raise money for the sheriff's effort to fight illegal immigration." END QUOTE

...thanks, Frank


...Will the last one to leave Scottsdale please turn out the lights?


...Will the last on out of Arizona please remember to take the flag...

david wilson

I'm from the South also. Been stuck in Scottsdale for 16 years. I would miss the food shopping (vegetarian) and dry air and NOTHING else! Strike the shopping; Atlanta has that. 16 years and NO emotional attachment WHATSOEVER!! If I ever get out of here, I'll say "What took me so long?" No charm, no flavor, no architecture. BLAND BLAND BLAND, and incredibly RUDE BLAND Midwestern people. I feel like I'm brain dead. Good for you for less than one year here. You didn't make a mistake in alot of ways.

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