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July 28, 2008



No worries, Frank, the CHP will take care of them. They are on the lookout for out-of-state plates and are more than happy to repay AZ for the bad treatment that CA drivers get there.

On one of my trips to Scottsdale, outside of Blythe, 2 AZ drivers sped by me doing 85 (limit was 65). Well, in just a few mins a CHP pulled them BOTH over - just think 2 @ 85 = 2 Misdemeanors (Reckless Driving)@ $750 each plus a criminal record.

btw, don't think I posted it but the last time I was on the freeway around PHX that goes to Scottsdale, I was followed by an AZ highway patrol car for 3 miles. Directly behind me :/ Not sure why since I was going 65mph and not 1 mph over the limit (thank you for the heads-up re AZ police).

Not long ago I was at the DMV here and the guy ahead of me was from AZ, trying to register his car. HaHa - the clerk just was so mean to him - I guess he did not complete the paperwork (Duh!) to proceed with anything. She gave him an askance glance and he looked at me completely frustrated and left.

Let's just hope they go back to AZ. Probably laid-off mortgage lenders/realtors.



Uhhh, you guys are fucktards. I live in Scottsdale and well I am not rich, do not pretend to be rich nor do I think that my city is any better than the next. Hell, the only reason I live here is to be closer to my job. I find your comments very ignorant, but to each his own I guess.



Confirmation bias.

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