One of my readers sent me an email detailing a sales training course his company had required him to attend. Here are some excerpts:
"REMEMBER that when you need to sell, it doesn't mean the prospect needs to buy. It's not their #1 priority: If it was, they'd have it already, or be talking to you already." (My comments: If it's not their #1 priority, they're not a qualified prospect, and you're wasting your time by talking to them in the first place.)
"In most situations, you should contact every name on the list every 3-4 weeks." (My comments: Why? So you can infuriate people who've already said no? Why call the same people who aren't going to buy when you can call new, fresh leads?)
"The average salesperson using our system does 50 dials an hour." (My comments: Wow. Talk about quantity over quality. What do you do, say hello then hang up?)
"Theory: Voice mails annoy prospects." (My comments: And cold calling doesn't? How on earth can you claim that harrassing people by calling every 3 weeks isn't annoying but leaving a voice mail is?)
That just goes to show how the advocates of cold calling always manage to contradict themselves. None of their arguments make any sense. Remember, cold calling is dead in our new economy. The time has come to use your brain and start working smart. As Henry Ford said, "Thinking is the hardest thing there is. That's why so few people engage in it."