Well after a long summer of traveling, both for business and for fun, I realized that I haven't posted in ages! However, something happened today to remind me of what this is all about. In fact this happens all the time but today it really got to me so I decided to vent about it.
I shop at Macy's quite a bit, and the nearest one is in a mall only about ten minutes from my house. Today I went there and wanted to hit a few other stores as well, but instead of parking at Macy's and walking through the mall from there, I went to Macy's, walked out, got back in my car, then parked near the main mall entrance and went back in.
Because every time I walk through the corridor between Macy's and the rest of the mall I am attacked by a barrage of salespeople who are essentially cold calling. There is the cell phone kiosk, which you can't get near without them yelling out to you about saving money on your cell phone. There is some fitness kiosk always yelling out to come get a free body fat check. Then there are several survey people who always populate this section of the mall and you can't get by them without multiple requests to waste your time with a survey. The part that really gets to me is that the same exact people continue to bother me even though I've said "NO!" dozens of times!
I'd like someone to explain how paying people hourly to bother other people like this is productive. The marketing that could be done with the same amount of time and effort would actually GET SALES, not ANNOY PEOPLE! I'm more determined than ever to put an end to the ever-increasing cold calling that continues to become more annoying and less effective than ever.