I continue to get nasty emails from people who claim to have made a ton of money by cold calling. As always, I respond to these emails with a request for documentation to prove their claims, along with my promise that I will publicly announce that this person has achieved success by cold calling if the documentation does indeed prove it.
In three years of doing this - and at least a dozen of these nasty emails each week - I have not received a single response from any of these people. They don't even write back again, let alone fax me the docs to prove their claims.
This is it: I'm now issuing the Cold Calling Challenge. If you have achieved success from cold calling, and can PROVE IT, I want to hear from you. I actually do. Because if NOBODY has achieved any success via cold calling, I'll need to edit my book to state that cold calling has a 0% success rate (right now I estimate it at around 1%).
Bring it on........................
UPDATE - June '05: It's now been one full month, and not one single person has been able to prove that they've ever sold anything via cold calling. As always, I had two people make wild claims that they earn over six figures per year cold calling, but I never heard from them again after requesting documentation such as sales reports. Big surprise, huh?