With the 2008 Presidential election beginning to come up in the news every night, the idea of being "electable" is something to think about. Would your customers vote for you? Or would they vote you out? Most salespeople operate like politicians - they make all the promises in the world, then after the election (the sale), they break those promises and drop out of sight.
In the real world, that gets you voted out of office. For example, in Scottsdale, Arizona where I used to live (a suburb of Phoenix), a recent poll revealed that 70% of citizens plan to vote out the current mayor and entire city council in the next election, due to their endless lies and corruption.
I'm willing to bet that many salespeople, if they polled their customers, would find that 70% or more would vote for a different salesperson next time around.
Don't underestimate the power of your customers to make or break you. Even if you're in a company where customers go to a "retention" rep and you can't work with them any longer, they can give you referrals or they can bad-mouth you. Which will it be? Keep this political analogy in mind, and be electable in the eyes of your customers.